
Search for species traits, distribution maps, pictures and other information.

About the project

Pladias (Plant Diversity Analysis and Synthesis Centre) was a project funded by the Czech Science Foundation in 2014–2018. It integrated research capacities dealing with the diversity of temperate flora and vegetation from Masaryk University (Brno), Institute of Botany of The Czech Academy of Sciences and the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, in cooperation with many external specialists. The result of the project is a continuously updated database of critically revised data on Czech flora and vegetation, available at the web portal Pladias.cz (Wild et al. 2019; Chytrý et al. 2021).

The web portal Pladias.sk that you are now accessing presents a Slovak version of the project, operated by researchers from Plant Science and Biodiversity Centre SAS. Database focuses on native and naturalized vascular plants occurring in the Slovak Republic.

Taxon concepts and nomenclature mostly follow the database of the names of vascular plants of Slovakia (Letz et al. 2021+).

When using data from the web portal pladias.sk, the source has to be referred to as “Pladias SK – Database of the Slovak Flora and Vegetation, www.pladias.sk”. In case of specific questions regarding the usage of data comprised in the portal, please contact the authors of the database.


Partially supported by the CESP 2023 “Unlocking Slovakia's biodiversity through data publishing“ funded by the Global Biodiversity Information Facility.

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